Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Comfort Shower: Favorite Gels & Lotions for A Stressful Day

Yesterday was one of those days...yep...just one of those days...
There are moments when I need comfort food, others I need a glass of wine, but then there are the times when I just need some good aroma therapy and that is when I head to the shower.

I have a fairly decent sized shower collection with all different brands but my personal favorite, the one that usually hits me on a personal level, is Philosophy. There is something about the scents in their products that are just so amazing and can do anything from make my mouth water to even make me cry (yes, it's that good).

The following are the three sets that I turn to when I need a  good stress reliever:

Pure Grace

The only way I can describe this is to use the word "clean". In my opinion, it's a very simple scent but it just smells so good. I use this one a lot when I don't feel well or, like yesterday, when all I want to do is wash the day off like wiping the slate clean.

Baby Grace

This has more floral notes to it but it's very soft and is a lot like being cuddled. This gets a lot of use when I'm really tired or feel like I need a hug.

Inner Grace

This is the one that made me cry the first time I smelled it. It has a more mature scent with stronger floral notes and reminds me so much of my grandma. I got this as a Christmas present a few months after she passed and between the smell and the beautiful writing on the bottle I just broke down. I reach for this when I feel I need support or when I'm missing her.

These fragrances all mix quite nicely together and more often than none I end up doing just that. For me, using these is almost like therapy, they create such a nice experience for something so basic as showering.

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