Monday, March 25, 2013

Fun Fact Friday: Volume 2 (The Monday Edition)

Note: This was supposed to be posted on Friday, however, I did not feel well and got lazy....

Inspired by my cousin's last high school performance, not to mention the anniversary of my own final show, I decided to go with a theater theme for this post.

1. The first show I was in was The Wiz where I played the Terrified Messenger. The only reason I was given that part was due to the fact that during auditions, I truly was terrified...this included an incredibly shaky voice and nervous laugh. It was also the role that helped me to break out of my shell. In fact, there was a part that required me to scream and it was so loud that they actually had to shut off my microphone.

2. Out of all the shows I was in, the two I hated the most were LOL, a mix of about five or six different skits, and a hippie version of A Midsummer Night's Dream. Words can't describe the sheer stupidity...

3. My biggest achievement was in our middle school production of Bye Bye Birdie-I had not auditioned but had been given a one-line role and within a short amount of time had been bumped up to a much larger part. That was probably the moment when I really caught the acting bug.

4.  I still have a box filled with all my play mementos, which includes assorted scenery, books, and costumes. While I have not looked at any of it in years, it's still something that I doubt I'll ever be able to get rid of.

5. My favorite performance, hands down, was my last, Into The Woods. To this day I look back and can't help but smile at all the wonderful memories. That experience was like no other and I am still very thankful to have been a part of that production.

So there you have it...the late second instalment and a little insight on my theater experience...

As always, thank you for your support and have a great week!

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