Friday, April 12, 2013

Fun Fact Friday: Volume 5

It's always funny how fast some weeks can speed by...last week, starting on Monday was draining, thankfully things have seemed to improve since then. Is it just me or can some moments, even if they were recent, feel like it took place long ago?

Anyway, enough of my rambling...onto my five random facts:

1. One book that I never tire of reading is The Five People You Meet In Heaven, by Mitch Albom. Ironically, I can never watch the entire movie because I start to cry to the point where I almost can't stop.

2. My son and I like to have dance parties at night after he's in his pjs...I'll either play the radio or put on some of his music and we just bounce around like fools. I absolutely love listening to him sing or hum along...not to mention his adorable giggles :)

3. Billy Joel supplied my song for last week, however, presently I can't seem to stop playing Muse's "Madness". I haven't heard too many of their other songs but I'm really interested in checking out more of their work. Someone else I recently discovered off of youtube is Eric Wuest, a very talented violinist who records covers of popular songs. I highly recommend checking him out!

4. My hair is naturally blonde and I absolutely refuse to touch it's color, however, years ago I dyed the under part purple. I got bored and wanted a family absolutely hated it, of course. The freak in me misses it a little but I love my blondness too much.

5. I absolutely love looking at different views, especially of the NYC skyline...I don't know what it is but I could look at it forever.

That's all for the edition...have a great weekend :)

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