Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

Happy 2013 everyone!!!!
I must say, so far this year is not what I expected as my family and I spent the past two days sick and in bed....oh well, it can only get better.

After all that occurred last year I'm hoping that the next twelve months are a little more low key. After July, life seemed to move on fast forward-my fiance got a better job and literally ten minutes after that call, my mom was rushed to the hospital unable to breathe; only to find out that she has heart disease. My adorable little potato of a nephew was born in August and a week later my mom went back to the hospital for single bypass surgery. Since then the main focus in my house has been her ongoing recovery. Thankfully, aside from a few colds and an ear infection, everyone is now heathy(ish).

Every year I come up with resolutions, yet, I never keep them...this time around I came up with "goals" that I feel quite confident I can keep for myself.

*Keep my eye on what I want out of life
I'm really hoping to stay focused on what I want and to make a move to get it.

*Watch my spending
Right now I'm tossing around either going shopping once a month or having month-long no buys all together. Either way I feel like this will probably end up helping me to save money in the long run.

*Reduce my cluttered life
I have a lot of stuff and not that much room so I want to start cleaning house as well as trying to have a little more organization in the process.

*Keep up with my blog & diary

*Try to stay healthy
 ~drink water: I'm beyond horrible with this; in fact, I've had to go to the ER for dehydration numerous times
~take vitamins
~schedule that dr's appointment I've been avoiding
~get my blood checked
~get more sleep...or at least don't go to bed at 1:30 when I have to be up at 6:30

*Try not to let people get me down and not take everything to heart

*Be there for my son and fiance

I'm really excited to see what this year brings and am confident that it's going to be good...hopefully, by completing these goals, I'll be a step closer to happiness and finding myself. I wish you all a safe, happy, and healthy year and may all your dreams and goals come true.

As always, thank you for taking the time to visit my is truly appreciated :)

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