Thursday, December 22, 2011

Body Image: The Beauty that Is The Beholder

This wasn't going to be my next planned post but I literally just had a conversation, or for me convorstion (inside joke) about this. Body image. I spent my life looking up and being incredibly jealous of my older sister. She was (and still is) beautiful and the girl that all the guys turned their heads to see. Thin, legs for days ("you big like tree!"-sorry, another inside joke)...while I was short and curvy. I suffered through a lot of issues growing up. Getting pregnant a couple years ago didn't exactly help because my worst nightmare of having people watch me gain weight was coming true. My stomach was the spotlight! I didn't gain a lot of weight (my son was about 4lbs at birth) but I was still very uncomfortable. I'm happy to say that I'm at a healthy weight, still curvy and short but I use it. I've never felt better or more confident in myself.

My point to this rambling is that you may see yourself one way while others see you in a completely different light. Okay, yes, some days I look at my old clothes with a sigh but then I have days like today when someone expresses their concern that I'm getting to thin. (I still don't see it.)
Beauty isn't about make-up or clothes, it's about self confidence...that is the key to looking good and that's something that we all need to remember (even myself).

So, as the holidays are quickly approaching, I urge all of you (whoever may be reading this blog-and I truly appreciate it) to enjoy yourselves and be happy. This is a time for good food, love, and family (as loud or obnoxious as they may be)....enjoy!

There...that's my two cents on the topic.

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