Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sniffle Sniffle...Sneeze Sneeze...

Last night when my almost 3 year old son came home he plopped down on the couch and stared into space. When asked if he felt ok his response in a frog-like voice was "siiiiick".

I felt so bad for the poor kid but the same time a part of me winced because I knew what was next...or should I say who would be next. This was confirmed this morning as I have been sneezing and blowing my nose nonstop. At first I thought maybe, just maybe it might be allergies but alas, it seems he gave me his cold for the second time in a month.
Since he has a whopper of a cough, I'll be leaving early tomorrow to take him to the doctor, which at first I felt bad after seeing "the look" on some of my coworkers faces, but now I realize it's a good thing because I'm not good when sick.

It's funny because I can handle any major illness except a cold-I become a cross between a whiny two year old and a person on their deathbed.

I know what will happen tomorrow and I absolutely dread amount of makeup can cover pale, sickly skin or glassy can't give me energy, or take away the feeling that I'm dying. See? Not even a full day and I'm already whining.

Anyway, this thought came to mind-Why is it that children have problems sharing everything but their germs???

Well, I hope that all of you stay a lot healthier than I am right to the drugstore I go. If not vitamin c than perhaps some more Philosophy will do ;)

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