Tuesday, January 3, 2012


What I love about New Years is the fact that everyone gets a fresh start. I attempt to set resolutions but very rarely keep them. However, these are the ones I've come up with:

*Try Not to Let Little Things Get to Me
I have to stop letting every little thing stress me out because it's starting to effect my health. All this does is turn me into a ball of nerves.

*Let Go of The Past
I have the worst habit of holding onto everything until I eventually explode. This year I want to work on learning to let go and look to the future.

*Write in My Diary
For some reason I stopped writing in my diary after the summer ended. I want to make a point of going in a quiet room even if for only a few minutes to write again.

I used to pray every night and then I just stopped. I want to change that and pray nightly before going to sleep.

*Improve My Relationship With My Fiance
Between work and my son, it feels like my fiance and I have just been going through the motions for the past few months and sometimes it makes things feel like something's changed. I'd like to work harder at our relationship. We need more time to actually talk to each other (sans phone and/or tv).

*Get More Sleep
Sometimes I like to relive the days when I basically had no reason to wake up in the morning....Back then my schedule would be going to sleep by 7am and waking up around 5:30pm. Yeah, that doesn't work when you have a baby and a job.

*Drink More Water
If I had a dollar every time a doctor told me I was dehydrated I'd be rich. I was doing a little better with drinking but recently I find myself going back into those bad habits.

*Eat a Healthier Breakfast
Working in my office it's easy to pour a packet of oatmeal into a cup and be on my merry way. I'd like to start eating something a little more substantial like yogurt, a protein bar, or eggs.

*Be Nicer to My Face
When I get dehydrated or stressed my face breaks out. I do bad things to those breakouts and that results in angry looking, hard to cover, red marks. I want to try very hard to not only stop this but also to stop touching my face in general and clean my make-up brushes more often.

*Stay On Top of Cleaning
I'd like to try keeping everything cleaned throughout the week as opposed to spending all day running around the house getting it done....that goes for laundry as well.

Here's hoping that come this time next year I'll be able to look back knowing I was able to complete all of this.


  1. Just be nicer to yourself...everything else will fall into place. This is your elder speaking, child, and I KNOW what i am talking about...lol.

  2. Thank you, I'm trying very hard but with all the stress that life can bring...well, sometimes that's hard
